Identifying Birds of Winter: January 30, 2022

Identifying Birds of Winter: January 30, 2022

Join us Sunday, January 30 at 4 PM for a virtual event to celebrate winter birds in our region. Show off your photos and enjoy others’ Part One: Presentation on Identifying Winter Birds Join us for a short presentation by Dale Kristensen. He’ll give an...
New property acquisition near Parham

New property acquisition near Parham

The Land Conservancy for Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington (Land Conservancy for KFLA) is pleased to announce the addition of an 88-hectare (217 acre) property to its growing list of nature reserves in the KFLA region. The property, situated near Parham, is...
Turtles of the Kingston Area: May 18, 2021

Turtles of the Kingston Area: May 18, 2021

Find out how turtles contribute to ecosystem health, learn more about their behaviour, and hear from scientists about their local research. Part One: Turtles amongst us Grégory Bulté, B.Sc., Ph.D. is a biology instructor at Carleton University in Ottawa. He’s been...